Revamping Vendor Management: A Strategic Approach

Third-party vendors provide vital goods, services, and expertise that organisations rely on. With average companies dedicating over a third of their expenses to external vendors, it is transparent that vendor relationships need to be strategically managed. However, many organisations still take an ad hoc, reactive approach to vendor management. This leads to inflated costs, performance issues, and elevated risks. Organisations must rejuvenate vendor management into a proactive, centralised strategic function to gain competitive advantage and operational excellence. By implementing a proactive vendor management approach, organisations can reduce costs, improve performance, and mitigate risks.

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Understanding Gartner’s Hype Cycle: 

From innovation to productivity Gartner’s Hype Cycle is a branded graphical framework for understanding and tracking specific technologies’ maturity, adoption, and social application. Proposed in 1995 by research and advisory firm Gartner, it has become one of the most well-known models used to characterise the typical progression of emerging technologies from conception to mainstream adoption. The Hype Cycle seeks to provide a snapshot of the relative maturity and adoption trajectory of innovations in the software, computing, and communications domains. The Hype Cycle consists of five key phases: the Innovation Trigger, the Peak of Inflated Expectations, the Trough of Disillusionment, the Slope of Enlightenment, and the Plateau of Productivity.

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Crafting Client-Centric Products From Within Internal IT

By redirecting resources and budgets towards developing innovative client solutions, companies can not only enhance their internal processes but also create products or services that directly address the needs and desires of their customers. This transformation from traditional IT expenses to revenue-generating solutions requires a strategic approach that harnesses the power of technology to deliver exceptional value to clients. As companies embark on this alchemical journey, they have the opportunity to improve their bottom line, establish themselves as industry leaders, and build long-lasting customer relationships.

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Aligning IT with Business Strategy: A Guide for CIOs

Aligning IT investments with the overall business strategy is crucial. Chief Information Officers (CIOs) often grapple with the challenge of demonstrating the tangible value of IT in a world where technology underpins every aspect of business. But how can they convincingly illustrate IT’s contribution beyond the general ledger and operational data? One approach is for CIOs to focus on how IT can directly support and enhance the overall business strategy.

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The Integration of Technology and Design in Modern Interiors

Interior design has come a long way from simple furniture arrangement and decoration. Today, technology transforms living spaces into responsive, functional, and intelligent environments. In this blog, we will explore the evolution of interior technology and its symbiotic relationship with design. Advancements in technology have allowed for the seamless integration of smart devices and automated systems into modern interiors. The possibilities are endless, from voice-controlled lighting and temperature systems to interactive mirrors that display weather updates and personal calendars.

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Human Capital in the Digital Era: Preparing for a Sustainable Future

technological change is faster than ever before, dramatically impacting the job landscape and the skills required to succeed. As a result, individuals and organisations must adapt to these shifts by investing in human capital development. This means providing opportunities for ongoing learning and upskilling to ensure employees have the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in a digital era. By doing so, we can prepare for a sustainable future where individuals are equipped with the tools they need to navigate the digital landscape and organisations can harness the full potential of technology for growth and innovation.

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Transforming IT Finance: Beyond Spreadsheets and into the Future

Managing budgets and forecasting expenses has traditionally been a spreadsheet-driven ordeal. Finance leaders grapple with the manual, error-prone process of gathering data from disparate systems, creating complex sheets laden with macros, and embarking on a journey that often takes months. However, this age-old method has its limitations, and in today’s dynamic landscape, it’s essential to break free from the shackles of spreadsheet-driven budgeting. Let’s explore how IT finance leaders and CIOs can revolutionise their approach to analysing spend, optimising costs, and enhancing agility.

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Why Experience Isn’t Always the Best Teacher.

The prevailing wisdom in most organisations is that hiring individuals with extensive experience is the surefire path to success. After all, who could argue against the value of seasoned leaders who have weathered storms, conquered challenges, and possess a wealth of industry knowledge? However, beneath the surface of this seemingly sound logic lies a paradoxical truth: pursuing diversity in leadership can sometimes trump the allure of experience.

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Navigating the Labyrinth of Cybersecurity: Unravelling the Growing Threats

Many people know about cybersecurity and its effectiveness in keeping the bad guys out and ourselves safe in the virtual world. Still, in today’s interconnected digital realm, where innovation and convenience intertwine seamlessly, cybersecurity threats’ dark shadows loom ever more significantly. Most people do not know what that entails in real terms. As technology continues to advance at an astonishing pace, so too do the tactics of cybercriminals. We are journeying through the perplexing landscape of cybersecurity, shedding light on the growing threats that challenge our digital fortresses.

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The gotchas of M&A Programme Management

In business, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are everyday events that can lead to vast organisational changes. These transactions might seem straightforward, but the reality is often more intricate. The success of an M&A doesn’t just rest on the financial deal but also on the seamless integration of two distinct entities. This is where project management becomes pivotal. This blog will guide you through the intricate aspects of managing M&A projects efficiently.

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Managing Product Teams and Stakeholders with Technology

Successfully delivering products requires more than excellent engineering; it also takes the right processes, communication flows, and tools to manage cross-functional teams and align stakeholders. Technology is crucial to effectively managing product teams and stakeholders in today’s digital age. Project management software allows teams to collaborate seamlessly, track progress, and prioritise tasks. Video conferencing and instant messaging enable real-time discussions and decision-making, even for remote teams.

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TCO and how to make it better.

Understanding the actual costs of IT across an organisation is crucial for CIOs to make strategic decisions, optimise spend, and demonstrate the value of technology investments. However, the complexity of today’s hybrid IT environments makes handling total costs challenging. To gain visibility into IT costs, CIOs should ask critical questions such as the breakdown of costs between on-premises infrastructure and cloud services, software licensing and maintenance, and any hidden costs not accounted for, such as security breaches or downtime.

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The Future Digital Workplace: Trends and Considerations

The workplace as we know it is undergoing a technology-driven metamorphosis. Remote and hybrid work models are becoming mainstream, while artificial intelligence (AI), analytics, and automation radically enhance how work gets done. According to Gartner’s thought-provoking report, “Strategic Roadmap: What Is the Digital Workplace of 2027 and How Do I Get There?”, human and artificial intelligence convergence will define the future workplace.

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ITIL4 and Digital Transformation, delivering benefits and minimising risk.

Technology is evolving faster than ever before, and organisations must constantly adapt and transform their IT systems and processes to remain competitive. However, many transformation initiatives fail to deliver lasting value and are not sustainable over the long term. This is often due to a lack of comprehensive planning and understanding of the organisation’s specific needs and goals. Additionally, resistance to change within the organisation can hinder successful transformation. To ensure sustainability, organisations must prioritise ongoing training and development of their IT staff, as well as regularly reassess and adjust their strategies to align with evolving technologies and market demands. By doing so, they can stay ahead of the curve and maintain a competitive edge in today’s rapidly changing digital landscape.

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It’s time for the property world to jump on the digital transformation bandwagon.

The property technology (PropTech) sector is undergoing rapid digital transformation. AI, machine learning, IoT, VR, and other innovations automate tasks, optimise operations, and enable data-driven decision-making. For property managers and investors, embracing these technologies is becoming essential to remaining competitive.

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The Technologies Powering Digital Transformation

Digital transformation has become imperative across industries as emerging technologies disrupt traditional business models and enable new competitive capabilities. While digital transformation encompasses changes in culture, operations, and customer engagement, several key technologies drive the possibilities. Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, blockchain, quantum, and more allow organisations to achieve unprecedented efficiency, insights, and innovation. However, the technical complexities involved mean most cannot harness these technologies alone.

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Digital Transformation and the role of Service Providers

The goal that sits on your desktop is to transform your business with the help of service providers and suppliers, not their hindrances. Digital transformation has become an imperative for organisations seeking to remain competitive in fast-moving markets. Leveraging emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, automation, cloud platforms, and data analytics promises enhanced efficiency, deeper customer insights, and new growth opportunities. However, realising the benefits of digital transformation requires more than just implementing new tools. It demands a careful focus on people, from senior leaders to frontline employees to customers and partners.

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The Promise and Pitfalls of Digital Transformation

Seeing the wood for the trees with Digital Transformation has become an art form dependent on excellent stakeholder information. Many businesses are launching ambitious digital initiatives to increase productivity and gain a competitive advantage because of rapidly evolving technologies like cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and process automation. However, the results of these efforts are mixed, and digital transformation only sometimes leads to the expected increased productivity.

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End User Enablement

The digital revolution has heralded a new age of possibilities, dramatically altering how organisations function and succeed. Digital income creation, business model innovation, and data-driven decision-making have become critical for flourishing firms in this fast-paced and ever-changing market. Businesses may now tap into a worldwide marketplace, contacting clients across borders and extending their customer base, thanks to the advancement of digital technology.

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Crypto currencies, Blockchain, and AI: What Could Go Wrong?

The speed and breadth of the digital revolution are encapsulated by transformative technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning (ML). These groundbreaking developments have caught the world’s attention individually, but the intersection of these technologies, particularly in relation to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, creates even more intriguing possibilities. This analysis

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Navigating the Corporate Landscape: A Guide to Thriving in Uncertainty

In the current business climate, organisations are grappling with a multitude of challenges. Escalating costs, supply chain disruptions, labour shortages, and an energy crisis are just a few of the key global macro factors that businesses face. In light of these challenges, it’s clear that businesses must reassess their Corporate Real Estate (CRE) strategies and

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Connected the Disconnected

Connecting the Disconnect.

The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) has never been more critical. Yet, the yardstick for a CIO’s success has evolved. It’s no longer about the sheer quantity of technology deployments, but the tangible business benefits these deployments bring. This strategic shift demands a focus on employee engagement, a deep understanding of Key Performance

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Mapping a path for Technology Leadership in the Modern Business Landscape

In today’s rapidly transforming digital age, it’s become apparent that a technology leader’s role goes far beyond managing IT systems or developing software. Their role is evolving into one that strategically harnesses technology to drive innovation, growth, and competitive advantage. Foremost, successful tech leaders nurture a compelling vision for technological transformation. This vision acts as

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Is it the end of learning as we know it, who needs an accreditation now?

Fancy gadgets and the internet have transformed the world of learning in amazing ways. They’ve made it easier for everyone to learn, whether they’re in school or working professionals needing to stay up-to-date. Right now, a new game changer called Artificial Intelligence (AI) is preparing to reshape how we learn, and it’s promising some incredible

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The Evolution of Digital Revenue Generation: A Customer-Centric Approach.

The digital landscape is perpetually evolving, and with it, the strategies for revenue generation have shifted dramatically. No longer is it sufficient to solely focus on pushing products and services to the masses. Instead, the modern approach to digital revenue generation has adopted a customer-centric outlook, prioritising understanding and predicting customer behaviour to create personalised

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A Framework for Excellence in Lifecycle Management

The Advantages of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288: We’re no strangers to the challenges of lifecycle management. In our ever-evolving digital age, managing systems and software through their lifecycle is a task that demands precision, clarity, and adaptability. From conceptualisation to disposal, every step needs careful oversight to ensure optimal performance and longevity. And that’s where the ISO/IEC/IEEE

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Enabling Content Management to Drive Business Outcomes

“Organisations must prioritise both end user enablement and content management”, as these two factors significantly contribute to overall business success. This is a sweeping statement but in most organisations often overlooked beyond perhaps building out an intranet presence. Seamless integration of end user enablement and content management systems can empower users, streamline processes, and drive

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Technology adoption in the workplace

Introduction Technology adoption in the workplace is becoming increasingly important as organisations seek to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced business environment. The widespread use of technology has transformed the way we work, communicate, and collaborate with each other. The benefits of technology adoption, common challenges in implementing technology, strategies for successful adoption, and the impact

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Data Driven Digital Transformation

In today’s digital age, data has become an asset for organisations looking to stay ahead of the competition and achieve their business objectives. To harness the power of data, organisations must undergo a comprehensive digital transformation effort that leverages data to drive outcomes. Here is a roadmap to that Evangelize utilises to guide organisations in their data-driven digital transformation journey.

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Business Model Innovation

Business Models can energise existing products and services with new cost, go to market and business approaches to exploit investment that may have already been made in past budgetary cycles. How this is done varies considerably depending on the organisation, product, service and people involved but there are upwards of 70-80 common models that can be utilised in order to lay siege to that illusive value that often gets hidden deep inside a tried and trusted product or service.

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The Rise of the Machines

Robotic process automation is a form of business process automation technology based on metaphorical software robots or on artificial intelligence /digital workers. It is sometimes referred to as software robotics.

It does things better than us, faster than us, more intuitively than us, so what is not to like?

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The Time To Change Is Now

Covid 19 has been a nightmare for many companies, if not all companies in one form or another. Obviously, a few have prospered but many have not performed at all and have struggled in the current financial climate.
When has there ever been a better time to change how your company operates and culturally behaves than now? Every single person on the planet probably expects next year to be different from this one, not just because of the creation of a Covid vaccine, but because you would have to be very limited in your outlook to not think that next year will be different, and just from how reduced most people’s expectations for next year are going to be.

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The Hybrid Workplace

Flexibility, time management, travel costs, and when you finish for the day you are home immediately, unless of course you work at the bottom of the garden in a home office/cabin set-up. The problem with working from home is of course no one else works from your home.

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